1.I walked along Broadway, deserted but for the occasional cab.
2.People criticize television, but for children it’s a mine of information.
3.But for being a little out at elbows, I should have bought this dress.
要不是手头有些紧的话, 我早就买下了这件衣服。
4.The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.
售原来预料要持续一周, 然而实际上已经结束了。
5.The spiritual knowledge of Anthroposophy affords the true foundations, not only for spiritual and mental education, but for physical.
6.Japan offers a temptingly quick cheap break, but—for foreigners—little or no enforceable contact with the kids thereafter, notes Jeremy Morley, a New York-based “international divorce strategist”.
7.The in situ rock stress prevents the rise of confined water and water inrush for thick floor aquifuge,but for thin floor aquifuge the in situ rock stress wo.
8.But for benzene, when treated with SDM-A there was a turning point in its adsorption isotherm, which corresponding to the dividing point between monomolecular and multimolecular layer adsorption.
9.But, for a purified mind, to keep away from egocentrism (instinct react of bad habits), and to keep humanity, love, good will, delight and impartiality is a natural thing.